If an extension is granted, the approval document identifies the length of the extension and relabeling requirements. SLEP is administered by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) in cooperation with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).1The program is an acknowledgement that the actual shelf life of drugs and other medical products may be longer than their stated expiration date, depending on their storage conditions. Advertisement. Note: This document was compiled from June–December 2011 and reflects the laws and programs current then. Thanks a lot!Invalid e-mail or captcha-code entered, please try again. Your order will be packed safe and secure and dispatched within 24 hours. There are various others that you can choose such as Azithromycin, ... (if they are stored in a cool, dry, dark place). Participating agencies are required to pay for the FDA’s periodic, comprehensive testing and analysis of the drugs and other medical materiel in the SLEP process. I think Zithromax is one of the strongest antibiotics nowadays.I was taking Zithromax 5 days, as my physician prescribed. This expensive process includes costs for planning, proper storage, and also reeplacing expired drugs. The problem with the running nose disappeared on the second day, and on the third day I was able to breathe, without a lump in my throat.I don’t really like to give antibiotics to my kids, but when my daughter got tonsillitis, I ordered Zithromax. I had a skin infection and was lucky to get rid of it by taking Zithromax 250 mg. ... of zithromax online zithromax azithromycin 250 mg azithromycin doxycycline hyclate tablets shelf grapefruit and lipitor extension program. MQCSS is the authority for shelf-life extension when visible inspection only is required. The document was funded by CDC Award No. 6 Storage Conditions. Then I realized that my life turned into a nightmare. This is exactly how your parcel will look like (pictures of a real shipping item). It was 100% effective against pneumonia. I have chronic ear problems, and now Zithromax is my best drug which, I know, will help me 100 %.Zithromax was prescribed by a physician to my friend’s 13-year-old son to cure a scarlet fever. Referred to as SLEP, the Shelf Life Extension Program has provided unprecedented information about medication longevity. Shipping option Zithromax is a macrolide antibiotic to treat infections of upper and low respiratory tract, especially ear infections, pneumonia. The Shelf Life Extension Program: The Military’s Answer to Expiration Dates. It was delivered to me very fast by the seller. Furthermore, complications can arise in determining what products are eligible for SLEP when SNS assets have been mixed with non-SNS assets in state, local, or regional stockpiles. The company sent it to us at the same day when I ordered, and after three days of taking it, the throat of my daughter got much better.I wish I had taken Zithromax from the beginning of my illness. In preparation for a pandemic, the federal government offered states a 25 percent subsidy to purchase additional antivirals through the SNS program. I usually buy it here (THE SITE).Zithromax helped me very well when I cured the eye infection. This resource is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional legal or other advice. It is really a strong medecine,Although the price for Zithromax is not that cheap, the drug itself is very good. The program was established in 1986 through an interagency agreement between the DoD and the FDA in response to a Congressional directive to address U.S. Air Force drug stockpiles.SLEP is currently available only for federally-maintained stockpiles, although there have been ongoing deliberations between the federal government and the states about extending SLEP to state-maintained stockpiles or creating a separate SLEP-like program for state stockpiles.