I throw away everything and rebuild my routine. It’s insulting. Tomato-based dishes like red pizza, pasta with red sauce, bruschetta, and tomato soup. ThanxI also just found Methylisothiazolinone and Methylchloroisothiazolinone in the list on the above mentioned product. After doing some research on my own discovered I may be allergeric to silicone. Farmers are able to inexpensively fatten the animal up, slaughter them and send the antibiotic infused meat to your dinner table. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) also evaluated the scientific data and concluded that it was safe for use in cosmetics. It works beautifully around eyes and lips too. In essence it means very little.I discovered last year, after process of elimination, that I was sensitive to silicones in beauty products. If anyone has any recommendations on either, a reply would be greatly appreciated! Actually it’s the worst possible pore clogging foundation u can find on the market. Antibiotics, which we are not only taking faor acne problems now, but is also in almost all of our meat products too, have a bad effect, they make us immune to them. Still looking for a good moisturizer. As more folks figure it out, hopefully the masses will begin to demand better quality ingredients and shun these inferior products. You’ve come to the right place! viscosity of approximately 1,000 cps at 25°C. Ora-Sweet SF is buffered to a I think it’s safe the say that dimethicone is the culprit here.Those 2 foundations have one thing in common: TALC.Just recently purchases Rihanna’s new foundation & i noticesd my skin was starting to break out. This product is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.This site offers health, wellness, fitness and nutritional information and is designated for education purposes only. The Skin Deep Database also marks this ingredient with a low hazard rating. I am trying to patiently wait for the acne to clear but it is embarrassing and painful at the same time. However, farmers are using antibiotics on their livestock, because it allows them to be kept in tight quarters wandering around in their own feces, urine and other body fluids. When I was a young adult & speaking with my cousin who is a hairdresser about my acne on my back she recommended that when I rinse my conditioner out I should put my head down & then rinse so the conditioner would run off the hair & not down my back, clogging my pores. I am so disappointed with Clinique, in particular. Eventually I decided to do my own research instead of depend on a doctor who knows nothing except harsh meds. I see these are on a watch list by the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) and said to cause contact dermatitis.I’ve been using a dimethicone product, which claims to be organic and natural, as a handwash. The claims that silicone causes acne is unproven, and while it may be true for some people, it may not be so for others. It's not.Not only are you missing out on truly moisturizing ingredients like natural oils, extracts, and shea butter, but you're interfering with the skin's natural processes—like sweating, temperature regulating, and sloughing off dead skin cells.Prolonged exposure can increase skin irritation and create a dependency on the product. On some of these liquid makeup formulas, silcone products were near the very top. Now my skin is breathing again thankfully. It’s absolutely worth the extra money. It is difficult to avoid silicones, maybe you can find volatile ones that will be good on your skin. It is non-biodegradable, which means that it can pollute our environment during both the manufacturing process and after it's used, in the disposable process.Your skin doesn't need chemicals to look healthy and smooth. i.e. Dimethicone (sometimes mixed with topical colloidal silver) works like a charm in cases like these. I am using a skincare line called epionce which contains the pharmaceutical grade dimethicones and silicones and so far so good! I started noticing little white heads on my face. Ponds BB Cream has Dimethicone which explains all the pimples I got. Silica absorbs/pulls oils and moisture away from the skin instead of creating a film and because of this, it’s used in many blot, set and HD finishing powders.