He asked me "does it work for you?" My anxiety is through the roof and I'm on the verge of a panic attack. God Bless All who suffer! This is one reason why it's important to always make sure your doctor knows which other drugs—including over-the-counter medicines and supplements—you might be taking before he prescribes something new for you. I get NO motivation whatsoever or sleep. )I am taking 300mg of wellbutrin. Often, panic attacks don’t have … meditation should help a tonThis week, I drank coffee twice. honestly I have Bi Polar and I have had it for years and Zoloft is for depression. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts And yeah benzos are great but only temporally, least thing you want is to get hooked on them. I started on velexa and it was OK but I had some side effects and found Zoloft worked much better. Ⓒ 2020 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved This does not happen often, and sometimes it can be a matter of my hormones being really out of whack. I've heard Zoloft can also cause anxiety in some people. I'm unable to sit down, vomiting, extremely uncomfortable feeling overall. My anxiety is through the roof and I'm on the verge of a panic attack. You won't have to live like this the rest of your life. Zoloft (sertraline) has been available for the treatment of depression since the mid-1990s. 4. Am seeing some persons use this with low doses of Zoloft, Celexa, or even Lexaporo for extreme, vegetating and immobilizing anxiety and depressive symptoms. Anyone else experience this?This forum is so helpful and supportive! Yes, the ocd thoughts are common. I have been on Sertraline 50mg for a month now for anxiety and mood. I don't wish them on anyone. but has it been the zoloft or the wellbutrin causing more anxiety? They started me off at 25mg of Zoloft for … Quitting abruptly can cause you to potentially experience some serious withdrawal-like symptoms. Your dosage seems low. Zoloft has worked for me but it took increasing the dose to feel the full effect of the drug. If taking Zoloft interferes with your sex life, the Mayo Clinic suggests some things you can try before quitting the medication: (And i have a new Dr.) I hope this works thats all I can say! I reached to dial 911 several times. I went back to the psychiatrist last Thursday. Your doing a great jobYour optimism and hope are so appreciated! 25 mg for two weeks and 50 mg for two 1/2 weeks so far. One thing that is for sure is that you won't get relief from your symptoms right away as the drug will need to be in your system for some time before you feel the full effects. One of our cats died this week -- unexpectedly, from a viciously malignant cancer -- and we were on death watch for 15 days. He advised me that after being on Zoloft for 5 days that I would now bump up to 50. U.S., Canada- fast shipping! He uped my dosage to 50 mg. He started me at 50mg and upped me to 75mg about two weeks ago. Panic disorder is a condition that involves recurring panic attacks. I know it's hard, but hang in there. I didn't know if there was another 2-4 week wait for symptoms to subside when dosages are increased. Today, I have had the worst day. People who take Zoloft often report improvements in mood, appetite, sleep quality, energy level, and interest in daily life. But, panic attacks and anxiety attacks will not harm you, even though you feel like you are dieing. Seek immediate medical attention if you have any of these signs or symptoms. It's also often prescribed for people who've been diagnosed with panic disorder, a condition that causes frequent episodes of specific symptoms called panic attacks. I've been taking Zoloft for 7 weeks. My goal is to have them break through LESS often, which has been working. I don't know how long it will take to kick in.see the bad things aboutssri is they say they replinish your seretonin ok,i willgive them that but it doesnt replenish and keep them replenished..once you start anti depressants you probably need to stay on them forever trust i have been on everyone you can think of and when i come off i really go down hill,and they say they are not habit forming..maybe not phscally but mentally what do u think..just stay onthemI upped my dose and my depression went away.