It is not clear whether all organs, such as the heart, contain stem cells. “Our center is a leader in clinical research aimed at curing paralysis, and we are excited to be participating in this approach to spinal cord injury repair. Participating in an unproven treatment may make a person ineligible to participate in upcoming clinical trials. First, they can “self-renew”, that is they can divide and give rise to more stem cells of the same kind. Skin,muscle, intestine, and bone marrow, for example, each contain their own stem cells. There is preclinical data supporting that the treatment being tested is likely to be safe and effective. The study itself is designed to answer specific questions about a new treatment or a new way of using current treatments, often with a control group to which the group of people receiving the new treatment is compared. New ideas have to be tested first in a research laboratory, and many times the new ideas don’t work. Ten specialists in stem-cell science or spinal-cord injuries, ... says James Guest, a neurosurgeon at the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis at the University of Miami … The Neuroscience Program, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL 33136, USA. In the bone marrow, billions of new blood cells are made every day from blood-forming stem cells.Adult stem cells are tissue-specific, meaning they are found in a given tissue in our bodies and generate the mature cell types within that particular tissue or organ. The Department of Cell Biology, The University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida, 33136. Tissue-specific stem cells are limited in their potential and largely make the cell types found in the tissue from which they are derived. One approach to avoid the second possibility is to use stem cells from the same patient who is being treated. Schwann Cell Transplantation Subdues the Pro-Inflammatory Innate Immune Cell Response after Spinal Cord Injury. said Allan D. Levi, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S., Robert M. Buck Distinguished Chair in Neurological Surgery at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and Principal Investigator for the center. The developing baby is referred to as a fetus after approximately 10 weeks of gestation. 1. The term “adult stem cells” is often used very broadly and may include fetal and cord blood stem cells.There are a few stem cell therapies that are widely accepted by the medical community and these use tissue-specific stem cells. Once therapies are tested in humans, ensuring safety becomes a critical issue and this means starting with very few people until the safety and side effects are better understood.If a treatment has not been carefully designed, well studied, and gone through the necessary preclinical and clinical testing, it is unlikely to have the desired effect. In February 2010 the British company ReNeuron announced it had been approved to conduct a Phase I clinical trial of a neural stem cell treatment for stroke. “The Pathway study is designed to measure the potential of these human neural stem cells, HuCNS-SC, as a possible treatment for repairing some aspects of spinal cord injury.”  The Pathway Study is the first clinical trial designed to evaluate both the safety and efficacy of transplanting neural stem cells into patients with traumatic injury to the cervical spinal cord. Thus, it is unlikely that a single cell type could be used to treat a multitude of unrelated diseases that involve different tissues or organs. The Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center Announces Adult Stem Cell Public Seminars in Sarasota, Florida – The Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center announces a series of free public seminars on the use of adult stem cells for various degenerative and inflammatory conditions. However, the techniques used to make them need to be carefully refined before they can be used to generate iPS cells suitable for safe and effective therapies. Many potential treatments are currently being tested in animal models and some have already been brought to clinical trials. However, coaxing these cells to become a particular cell type in the laboratory is not trivial. One of the greatest barriers to the development of successful stem cell therapies is to get the cells to behave in the desired way. Some bone, skin and corneal diseases or injuries can be treated with grafting of tissue that depends upon stem cells from these organs. A major warning sign that a clinic may not be credible is when treatments are offered for a wide variety of conditions but rely on a single cell type.The range of diseases where stem cell treatments have been shown to be beneficial in responsibly conducted clinical trials is still extremely restricted. If they are grown in culture (a process called expansion), the cells may lose the normal mechanisms that control growth or may lose the ability to specialize into the cell types you need. These include embryonic stem cells that exist only at the earliest stages of development and various types of “tissue-specific” or “adult” stem cells that appear during fetal development and remain in our bodies throughout life.Our bodies use different types of tissue-specific stem cells to fit a particular purpose.