Then I got scared reading some Reddit threads about coconut oils actually causing more hair loss like you said. Yet many of us strip out beneficial oils from over-shampooing, leading the body to increase natural oil production to compensate. Similar to an abundance of DHT, frequent use of coconut oil for your hair will begin to collect on the scalp and other hairs, creating a greasy barrier that hair has trouble moving through, thus hair loss. Coconut oil is generally considered safe to apply to your skin and hair . Lisa. Aeleise says, “Shea butter and coconut oil used the way most consumers do suffocates the hair and scalp. I've been ketoing since June. It even made my hands very soft while applying to my hair and that’s something Spectrum never did.Can I eat 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil every day to help from my falling out?Your email address will not be published. The roots will likely be greasier than the ends, so the small amount that reaches the ends will be … Finally, just like the skin, hair is a reflection of internal health. It is basically my hair gel. There was a book called “herbs and things ” by Bay area herbalist Jeanne rose Who listed different oils explaining some r drying to the skin and hair while others like Castor oil as you mentioned in your article are beneficial. While dry shampoos can absorb some of the excess oil, a clarifying shampoo is best to help remove it from your hair completely.Leave the shampoo on your hair for at least five minutes, suggests MedlinePlus. Any side effects related to too much coconut are likely related to its fat content. The drying ones are sesame, coconut and safflower. Using it as a hair mask and leave-in treatment may help moisturize and seal hair. This is one reason for the rise of so-called Due to over-shampooing and poor diet, many of us are also missing vital nutrients we need to build healthy hair in the first place, but is adding oil to the hair the solution?Certain oils do seem to be pretty much universally beneficial for hair, but coconut oil isn’t always one of them. The roots will likely be greasier than the ends, so the small amount that reaches the ends will be sufficient to absorb excess oil. Yet By using a certain ratio of beneficial oils, hair oil can add life and moisture into hair. This is only regarding topical use not internal. I got worried and Googled, "too much coconut oil" and found your article. If you find that the superfood is doing more damage than good, use it for its other benefits like healthy skin, teeth, and diet. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Though the oil may keep certain sections “moist” it won’t be properly hydrated, and the hair can then become frizzy and brittle which will eventually lead to breakage! I get the shine of the coconut oil but the olive oil keeps my hair from looking too "straight". For these reasons, coconut oil might make your hair look shinier, stronger, and longer. Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer for dull, dry hair, but it can be difficult to get the right amount on your locks. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. If you don't have dry shampoo on hand, baby powder or cornstarch make for good substitutes when used in the same manner, according to ShampooCentral.Wash your hair with regular shampoo and water when you have the time. The fat in coconut oil can also help seal in hair moisture. For instance, Coconut oil, on the other hand, gets mixed results. pH is a measure of acid-base strength on a scale from 0-14. They lead to dry hair. I appreciate your article showing both sides of using the coconut oil though, as it isn’t for everyone.I use coconut oil after washing my hair each time. If your hair looked excessively greasy, you may want to repeat the washing process.Condition the ends of your hair only. Frequent and regular use of coconut oil causes hair loss. The dry hair absorbs the oil, which makes it shiny, soft, and smooth, and the excess is washed away when you shampoo. Beneficial oils are olive, avocado, and almond. Peroxide damaging too. One of these benefits includes using coconut oil for hair loss and to improve the health of one’s hair. Like other oils, coconut oil can make your hair and skin feel greasy. Too bad too because I've got a big bucket of the stuff (not purchased with hair in mind). I tried Spectrum organic extra virgin unrefined coconut oil and it was terrible on my hair. Reply Delete. Use your fingers to apply it to the ends of your hair, and use any excess oil to pat down flyaways around your crown.