But yet I was prescribed one of them.Also to add to it seizure drugs can make you lose your memory and your hair, say posters on the drug rating site askapatient.comAnd yet there is so much money to be made off the suffering of patients, my next question is how the dr. will react to my side effects and wanting to discontinue use? On the negative side, I experienced increasingly troubling cognitive issues. Your journey offers hope for others. 10years later i am starting to get side affects and reduced effectiveness of the drug. It started to feel like my brain couldn’t fit in my skull. Sending healing to anyone having to deal with chronic pain” 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. I was on medicines to treat the side effects of the meds top treat the side effects of the topamax. I’ve been on that for years, and never realized it was also for migraine. After spending time on propanolol extended release for a few years until it the side effects from low blood pressure became intolerable, I started taking topiramate at a low dose, but have gradually ended up taking 300 mg per day, split into 100 mg evening and 200 mg morning. I had a temper on Topamax which I didn’t have otherwise.As my condition improved due to Topamax and other preventative strategies I gradually weaned off Topamax. Select one or more newsletters to continue.

He prescribed me 25mg 1 x daily for a week then increased it to 25mg 2 x daily thereafter for two weeks. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company.

But- this drug made me totally psychotic. Then I found out all the FL pharmacies did NOT carry the generic CIPLA brand of TOPIRAMATE!!! I built up to 100 mg a day. Topamax was such a favorite for pain conditions in the military it was given the nickname “stupamax” for the way it slowed reaction times and impaired motor skills, attention and memory, not too great for combat. I woke up every day with a migraine and nausea.As a severe migraine sufferer and under the neurology department at my local hospital I have been taking Topiramate for a year now. None of which are not common enough to be mentioned in the above table.If serious side effects are common the drug is not likely to be approved by regulatory authorities like the FDA.Topiramate when prescribed by a doctor who takes into account your full medical history, current medications and health profile are considered a safe and approved treatment by the FDA and other regulatory medical bodies around the world.However there are important warnings and precautions that come along with this treatment.For example, never stop suddenly taking the medication. Before that I was chronic headache daily, migraine 3X a week. Rescue meds handle that problem.

Glad to hear you are getting results!I’m wondering about patients who have tried the “new” extended release topiramate and what their experience has been. So 3 months ago my neurologist tried me on tompirimate.. the initial side effects were awful brain fog in morning. The scientific and clinical interest in topiramate has generated a large body of data from randomized controlled trials, meta‐analyses, patient registries, cohort studies, and claims data analyses that have more fully characterized its role as a migraine preventive.This article will review the profile of topiramate that has emerged out of the past decade of research and clinical use in migraine prophylaxis. 10 years later & I still have memory, cognitive, and balance issues.” I’m sorry for you guys that can’t use Topamax.