It is never a good idea to mess with painkillers.Tramadol is a controlled substance. ".For some time now, the use of tramadol has had its champions and those who questioned how much good it actually does. In that case then the list of medications they can use without serious reactions will significantly decrease.Different dog breeds might also react poorly to tramadol. For some time now, the use of tramadol has had its champions and those who questioned how much good it actually does. I hope your pet is doing well with the tramadol now, hoping that you were able to get the liquid for him.Yes. Classic opioids such as morphine and methadone work very well in dogs so why would tramadol be any different?Well, tramadol needs to be broken down in the body into different chemicals and it is these metabolites that are actually responsible for the analgesic, pain killing action of tramadol. Yes, though there is a warning concerning serotonin syndrome this is very rare and at the levels you are taking not likely. Though its side effects are limited, this is no reason to be careless. I suspect the doctor is hoping that the Cymbalta will help your pain so that you don"t have to continue the tramadol in the future. Then let us know in the comments below!Affiliate Disclosure: Evolve Media LLC, and its owned and operated websites may receive a small commission from the proceeds of any product(s) sold through affiliate and direct partner links.monitoring_string = "c1299fe10ba49eb54f197dd4f735fcdc"Dogtime is a property of TotallyHer Media, LLC, an Evolve Media, LLC company. Personally speaking, I have found that some dogs really seem to improve well and become more comfortable after taking tramadol. I am just wondering if they can't remove it or stop it's growth, I know it's a hard thing to deal with, but have your considered euthansia(sp) for your poor pup? Hopefully this should make it more enjoyable for your dog to take its Hi, I feel bad, I had no idea you could get tramadol in liquid form! Other cancer … Acute cancer pain occurs when a tumor invades nearby tissues and expands. Select one or more newsletters to continue. Let me know your experiences with tramadol in the comments below It might be used for short term pain relief after surgery or is could be used long term to treat something like arthritis. Tramadol is a pain killer that is sometimes used in dogs. In this case it not always possible due to food restrictions before and after the operation. This is definitely an issue with both owners and veterinarians. As such, they do not require such a strong pain reliever as tramadol.You should speak to your vet and concisely describe your pet’s symptoms and pain levels. Hi, my dog also had cancer & had the same prescription. … As it turns out, you may not be alone in thinking so.Regardless, you may be wondering what you could try next. You should contact an emergency vet if you suspect your dog has overdosed.You should also not suddenly discontinue use of tramadol, as your pet may suffer from withdrawal symptoms, including anxiety, nausea, diarrhea, tremors, or breathing problems.If you see side effects in your dog, report them to your vet, as they may wish to alter the dosage or use a different medication.Here are some of the side effects that may appear with tramadol use in dogs:Make sure your vet is aware of any other medical conditions your dog has, as these may be worsened by tramadol. Close Pain Management Community 9.8k Members Tramadol vs. Cymbalta sarahw244. We are all really invested in the health and well being of our dogs and cats.