For adults taking it on a regular basis, the amount of powder taken should be very small - often less than even a quarter of a teaspoon. Cure Joy General Health. Health Benefits Of Trikatu Trikatu combines the goodness of black pepper, ginger, and long pepper to create a herbal remedy for digestive ailments, sluggish metabolism, obesity, and high cholesterol. This condition known as atherosclerosis is potentially dangerous because it doesn't just reduce how much oxygen or blood your body can supply to your vital organs, it also raises the risk of your developing a blood clot that could cut off flow to the brain and heart.18 Which is where trikatu comes in. Tuesday, 29 May, 6.36 am Get contact details & address of companies manufacturing and supplying Trikatu Churna, Trikatu … Trikatu is a classic Ayurvedic herbal blend of pippali, ginger, and black pepper. Beat the hunger pangs with a healthy snack or a calorie-free herbal tea, watch your calorie intake, and you should be able to tap its benefits as a weight loss aid.Trikatu combined with an equal amount of honey and anise seeds is used as a remedy for springtime allergies or mucus in the respiratory system. Instead, consult your doctor about how best to combine the benefits of the mainstream and alternative remedies. Trikatu contains the herbs pippali, ginger, and black pepper. Made from a heady blend of black pepper or Piper nigrum, long pepper or Piper longum, and ginger or Zingiber officinale, it is prescribed by ayurvedic practitioners to treat multiple diseases courtesy the range of biological activities the piperine in the peppers has on mammals like us!1 The churna or powder of trikatu is said to be anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, digestive, pain-relieving, and expectorant - the main properties of the formulation that you will find tapped in the list of remedies to follow.2 Here's a more detailed look at its health benefits that you'd want to make the most of. Popularly known as Winter Cherry and Indian Ginseng, Ashwagandha is a powerful herb that has proven its strong health benefits through the ages. Trikatu or Trikatu Churna is a commonly used formulation in Ayurveda clinical practise. Trikatu is also a bioenhancer - a substance that helps make other drugs become more readily available and effective in the body. Overall Benefits Of Ashwagandha Churna. This cuts your risk of a high cholesterol problem or hyperlipidemia as well as atherosclerosis.Animal studies have backed up this with evidence and later human studies show promise too.19 For instance, in one study, patients with hypercholesteremia or high cholesterol levels who took 3 gm of trikatu churna twice a day after meals along with lukewarm water experienced improvement in their lipid profile in 3 months' time. Trikatu churna is renowned for its ability to help you with digestion, so if you are having trouble in that department, look no further for much-needed relief. Popularly known as Winter Cherry and Indian Ginseng, Ashwagandha is a powerful herb that has proven its strong health benefits through the ages. Different herbs and other materials of ayurveda importance are refined to form powder. The formulation has the potential to stimulate the immune system to counter parasitic activity in the body and expel them.6 Another study also confirmed its antifungal properties against fungal species like Mucor and Aspergillus niger that are implicated in some respiratory illnesses.7 Trikatu may be just the ticket for someone with slow metabolism and can also help tackle weight problems or obesity. Doses are typically under 1 gm though you may sometimes need to take more.25 For children, the dosage may be as little as 125 mg. So if you are struggling with a sluggish digestive system, bloating, constipation, or other digestive problems like flatulence, you should consider trikatu.3 When it comes to fighting infections, trikatu can help on multiple fronts.