confusion psychomotor slowing, difficulty with concentration/attention, difficulty with memory, speech, or language problems, particularly word-finding difficulties); psychiatric/behavioral disturbances (e.g. Your child's dose needs may change if the child gains or loses weight.Drink plenty of liquids while you are taking Trokendi XR, to prevent kidney stones or an electrolyte imbalance.You will need frequent medical tests. I could not take unnecessary drugs. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information - Yes it did have the side effect of less appetite. The information within the Reviews and FAQ tabs is proprietary to Everyday Health.You can browse Drugs A-Z for a specific prescription or over-the-counter drug or look up drugs based on your specific condition. 3. Even with that said, usually Topiramate 2 times a day seems to have more side effects that Trokendi XR, but they're SUPPOSED to be comparable. Tons offI was taking Trokendi XR for migraines and found almost instant relief. Although it was effective, I had lost 20lbs and dropped down to 100lbs (5’7″) and became essentially unable to study or work because of vocabulary and memory loss as well as fatigue. I also had a migraine at home in the evening. And tons of others. Keep taking them for the rest of your life? In contrast to Delzicol, both Strattera and Trokendi XR are approved in smaller sized tablets/capsules, which provide patients and prescribers with additional options. Tension-type headaches and migraines are also common sub-types of headaches. They are the most common. It would have been nice but oh well. Is it like Sodoku? I am very disappointed in my pain doctor because this was a WAY off label use and contra-indicated for someone with existing neuro-motor issues from spinal injuries. Below is a … It really felt like I was drugged. of water alone. There are a lot of Good articles out there. It ALWAYS upsets me so much when I see people judge and criticize others for following a doctor's advice to use medication to aid in weight loss. Numbness and tingling in the hands, vision issues, nausea, and probably the worst, forgetfulness. I fell asleep sitting in my car and slept all day/night. "Product Information. The worst was I began losing weight. I even had several procedures, testing done to mask the pain at pain management, that I know now that was due to the medication. The information contained herein is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects. Numbness and tingling in the hands, vision issues, nausea, and probably the worst, forgetfulness. If you need surgery, tell the surgeon ahead of time that you are using topiramate. Keep taking Trokendi XR (topiramate extended-release capsules) as you have been told by your doctor or other health care provider, even if you feel well. Neither Everyday Health nor its licensor assume any responsibility for any aspect of healthcare administered with the aid of the information provided. I started Trokendi on a very small dosage -25mg. Avoid driving or operating machinery until you know how this medicine will affect you.Also avoid activities that could be dangerous if you have an unexpected seizure, such as swimming or climbing in high places.Report any new or worsening mood symptoms to your doctor, such as: mood or behavior changes, confusion, problems with thinking or memory, trouble concentrating, problems with speech;This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. See below for a comprehensive list of adverse effects. If you want to sleep non stop and accomplish nothing, and risk falling down and injuring yourself, then this is the med for you.I was taking Topamax 100 mg but was having problems focusing so my neurologist suggested I switch to Trokendi XR 100 mg to address my concentration issues. Problem was the migraine came back even worse once it wore off. I took Topiramate (Trokendi, Topamax) for migraines for a while. I was told these were not side effects, until I looked them up on FDA website and drug website. Weight loss has not been a side effect this time around. I certainly didn't not want to lose use of my hands and feet, so I discontinued. Trokendi XR can cause serious side effects, including: Eye problems. Values below 10 mEq/L have been rarely reported. Trokendi XR can cause serious side effects, including: Eye problems. I had to rest after walking from room to room. My husband and I just planned our first trip in years bc I now have pain free days.My neurologist trying to switch me from Dilantin to Trokendi XR.