The main marker for deficiency is the loss of morning erections. Some doctors prefer stopping TRT first when symptoms of high estrogen levels are becoming apparent rather than managing it through AIs. High & low estrogen symptoms. A risk of TRT is that artificially high testosterone levels can trick your brain into stopping LH and FSH production. (No insurance? I wasn't able to get my prolactin checked but I doubt it's that from sust. High & low estrogen symptoms. The main marker is loss of morning erections, but there are other symptoms as well. Testosterone has a direct impact on the sex organ and the ability to become hard. 250 IU of HCG 3x/week. By whontime in forum Anabolic Steroids Anything that improves liver function at least.For a fact, Vitamin D lowered my e2 drastically. Your high estrogen is converted through fat, the less you have, the less likely you are to have issues. If you haven’t already caught on, you’re likely learning how much of a problem estrogen can be while on TRT. August discusses the different symptoms of testosterone deficiency. Any suggestions besides getting obese, upping the testosterone even more, or drinking daily? But one of the most common side effects of testosterone replacement therapy is low sperm count. Crying spontaneously can become commonplace. low on labs?I would stop all supplements and see what happens to your e2.Thanks for the reply and personal insight! Other common symptoms are The loss of morning erections is one of the main markers of testosterone deficiency, and it is also one of the first things that improve when your TRT starts working. It has been linked to heart and coronary disease, cognitive dysfunction, water retention, high blood pressure, enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH), and may trigger cancerous cell growth. Let’s take a look at the symptoms of both: Low Estradiol Symptoms: Fatigue along the lines of sleepiness; hypersomnia (sleeping too much and too often) Just about everything lowers it for me. For example, when my estrogen starts creeping up the first symptom is an intense craving for sugar. I have T levels over 1000 but estrogen stays at 20 or below. See the post I wrote about Dosage May Vary – Dedicated to those looking to gain control over their hormone replacement therapy (HRT & TRT).“As someone who’s been through the roller coaster ride, I’ll share with you what I’ve learned the hard way so you can hopefully avoid some of the pitfalls.” – James High Estradiol Symptoms: Soft erections, inability to maintain an erection water retention (less frequent urination), leading to excessive sweating, blood pressure spikes or high blood pressure (from the water retention) Listen to your body. Brain fog means that your cognitive functions are impaired. It's ruining my days! Men with low estrogen and high T are having issues. That may raise e2 as well.Also I ended up just taking 5k d3 on injection day only. mtman May 23, 2019, 10:06pm #1. I did a test, my e2 was at 46 on trough. I. I wouldn’t be surprised if people with brain fog end up worrying about Alzheimers or brain cancer. I never considered vitamin D to be a possible culprit…I think dropping the supplements is sound advice. Men wirh low t and high estrogen are having issues. I know when things are bad in that area.I started taken Aromasin as I waited for my bloodwork to be done as I'd much rather err on the side of the caution with that stuff given the hell I went through before. When the amount of available testosterone drops and stays low the male experiences a castrating effect, and he becomes more asexual. That leaves estrogen free to do its feminizing business in your body. Your TRT is legit as was your gyno surgery so it's reasonable to push back on this a bit and say this has you worried and you're not keen on getting additional surgery due to sloppy medical care. I don’t eat sweets and rarely drink soda but the moment my E2 levels start rising (which isn’t often these days) I get a heavy craving for soda. No AI use for months now. High estrogen has historically been blamed as the cause mood swings and emotional outbursts. The goal is a balance. Advised to? However, a man with too little testosterone will likely lose his interest in sex along with his erections.