But the good news is that you could see an improvement from turmeric, which means it’s helpful.Normally, side effects to turmeric appear when you’re taking a dosage that is too high for your body. So I got Turmeric Curcumin I take 1 Tablet with Breakfast and 1 Tablet with dinner. But you should So please follow this advice and let me know what happens.I took 1 500 mg capsule and broke out in a bad rash on my back and legs.Hi Christine, sorry about your issue. But what you can do is to try a different brand (if we’re talking about a supplement) or a different supplier (if we’re talking about organic powder).1. Turmeric is one of the few herbs that can interact with certain drugs – and therefore it’s not allowed to be combined with them. And if you do, resting is the best treatment. Circumin is the most active component of turmeric, and this study provides new explanations of how turmeric can help gout. Ginger belongs to the same family as turmeric, so the connection makes sense.Therefore, if you know your body doesn’t tolerate these things very well – it’s better to stay away from turmeric. That part with Boswellia increasing its the delivery of turmeric is pretty weird to me. But considering that you’re getting a low dose of turmeric, I pretty much think you will be free from those side effects.Hi Mitchell, what you’re saying is completely true. Of course, there is nothing to stop you trying turmeric for yourself. Like many studies of this kind, it does not represent turmeric as an accepted gout treatment. Some people have also suggested turmeric tea, which is a simple to prepare beverage.Turmeric tea has many different recipes, often quite creamy, but I will present a very simple option:This tea could also be flavored with ginger, or whatever suits you.If you do not like the taste of turmeric, one GoutPal visitor recently bought curcumin capsules from Amazon, and I will be adding these to the gout store soon.If you have used turmeric for inflammation, or to lower uric acid, please Did this page help you? It’s really odd to me. Hey Heather, thank you for clarifying things out for me. So please give up turmeric as soon as you can, because your kidneys and your gallbladder may get hurt at one point.Did you experience these symptoms right after starting the new version of this supplement? I’m taking 1 gm a day with mild nausea and burping bec of my GERD. However, if you’re experiencing these side effects, you might want to try It’s already clear that turmeric brings a lot of benefits to our body. In some people, it takes a few months until they see an effect – but it usually depends on the supplement.Please answer these questions so that I can understand your problem better.I have very annoying ringing in the ears. So I got Turmeric Curcumin I take 1 Tablet with Breakfast and 1 Tablet with dinner. Out of those 10% that do, more than 5% experience stomach pain or nausea, which are minor issues. But if you want to make sure you won’t experience any side effect with turmeric, here’s my advice. If it doesn’t, try to stop taking those turmeric pills for a few days and see what happens.If your ringing disappears, it’s probably because of turmeric. Before I drank the golden milk my pain level was a 6. Instead, it’s a pretty good remedy for that, so it surely didn’t cause it. You should worry about the most common side effects (like stomach pain and nausea) instead. If the symptoms and the itching worsened only after you started using these pills, it’s most likely they are responsible. Scientists don’t know yet if turmeric would pass through breast milk, and this means it’s better to stay away from it.Normally, no one would think it’s the herbal supplement behind all this. And most importantly, are they really so harmless? I was taking it after breakfast and after dinner. That’s why there are very low chances that you develop it, to be honest. When I stopped approximately a week ago my issue in my esophagus went away. In fact, try to eat at least 30 minutes after taking them. In some cases, the body gets used to it and the pain stops decreasing so much, but I really hope that’s not your case. Is there a better way to absorb Turmeric or a lower dose? Is Turmeric for Gout Safe? I’m a 62 1/2 year young mail in good health. I normally recommend supplements that have around 1000-1500 mg per serving. Otherwise, you could at most get a small allergy, but even that is very unlikely.But these are effects that appear very rarely. You can either ask your rheumatologist, or your OB, in case you can’t reach the first. The most common categories are blood-thinners and high-blood pressure drugs.