Kabar baik itu datang dari Wall's Indonesia yang memutuskan untuk memproduksi kembali es krim legenderaris Viennetta, demi menemani orang-orang yang ada di rumah. Wall's Indonesia pada Minggu (29/3/2020) lewat Instagram merilis potongan gambar es krim yang mirip es krim Viennetta. The product, which was initially launched in the UK, had been discontinued since around the early noughties in Indonesia, but is still sold in some European countries.Earlier this week, Wall’s Indonesia posted this sneak peek on their official Instagram account, of what was clearly a Viennetta ice cream bar, which sent the netizens into an ice-cream-fueled frenzy.“Can anyone guess what picture of ice cream is this? KOMPAS.com-Melihat besarnya animo masyarakat Indonesia akan es krim Vienneta, Walls akhirnya membawa kembali es krim legendaris ini. JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Kembalinya es krim Viennetta keluaran Wall’s Indonesia disambut dengan animo besar dari masyarakat Indonesia. Indonesian ulema Syekh Ali Jaber was stabbed during a sermon in...A bunch of medical waste was reportedly scattered on a street in...Police are pursuing a group of cyclists who illegally and dangerously...1. Mengingat sejarah Es krim Viennetta: Vienneta es krim di ciptakan oleh Wall’s pada tahun 1982 dan pertama hadir di Indonesia pada tahun 1990 dan mulai eksis di awal tahun 2000 karena sering muncul di televisi saat jeda film Let’s get to 75,000! Beberapa waktu belakangan, banyak anak generasi '90-an yang meminta Wall's Indonesia untuk kembali merilis es krim ini. In the past year, a bunch of Indonesian millennials have been urging Wall’s Indonesia to bring back Viennetta ice cream , which was popular in the country but was considered pricey back in the ‘90s to early 2000s. Walls adalah merek makanan asal Inggris yang memproduksi daging dan es krim. The product, which was initially launched in the UK, had been discontinued since around the early noughties in Indonesia, but is still sold in some European countries.Earlier this week, Wall’s Indonesia posted this sneak peek on their official Instagram account, of what was clearly a Viennetta ice cream bar, which sent the netizens into an ice-cream-fueled frenzy.“Can anyone guess what picture of ice cream is this? Sehingga Viennetta sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga masyarakat apalagi dikalangan anak-anak pada masanya. Indonesian ulema Syekh Ali Jaber was stabbed during a sermon in...1. April awal lalu, rakyat Indonesia bersuka cita karena Wall’s Indonesia menjual kembali produk Viennetta setelah absen beberapa tahun. A post shared by Wall's Indonesia (@wallsidn) on Mar 29, 2020 at 5:12am PDT Viennetta is a bar of soft ice cream decorated with layers of wavy chocolate and vanilla ribbons. Produk ini dipasarkan di Indonesia pada tahun 1990an. Kala itu pabrik-pabrik Unilever sibuk memproduksi es krim ini. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols. Seems like there many who can’t wait for this delicacy to return,” the caption reads, hinting that it will be released during the #DiRumahAja (stay at home) period. Viennetta, dirindu tetapi sukar dicari! Wall’s launched the product for the first time as a Christmas specialty in the United Kingdom in 1982. Kami sudah menerima laporan Anda. Pertama kali Wall's mengeluarkan es krim Viennetta pada tahun 1982. Sempat menjadi fenomena di tahun 90an hingga awal 2000an, netizen meminta Wall's untuk kembali memproduksi es krim ini. JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Wall’s Indonesia resmi meluncurkan kembali es krim Viennetta, es krim legendaris pada era '90an. Kami akan menghapus komentar yang bertentangan dengan Panduan Komunitas dan UU ITE.Airbnb Bantu Sediakan Akomodasi untuk 100.000 Tenaga Medis Covid-19 di Seluruh Duniahttps://travel.kompas.com/read/2020/03/30/172700127/airbnb-bantu-sediakan-akomodasi-untuk-100.000-tenaga-medis-covid-19-dihttps://asset.kompas.com/crops/rBmOq67HDDe9e9KIjAST_4GVo2M=/0x0:996x664/195x98/data/photo/2018/02/23/2717034696.jpg For those of you who don’t know, Viennetta is a premium ice cream product made by Wall’s (known as Good Humor in some countries), which takes the form of a bar of soft ice cream layered with chocolate. Password must be at least 7 characters long. (Wall's/-) ⁠— which has been signed by over 74,300 people ⁠— PT Unilever Indonesia, the producer of Wall’s ice cream, has announced that they’re producing the ice cream in limited quantity in conjunction with the upcoming fasting month of Ramadan, which will fall on either April 23 or 24 this year.The ice cream will only come in one flavor combo only, that of vanilla and chocolate.“The presence of Viennetta ice cream will bring back happy memories of its fans and also cure the curiosity of those who haven’t had the chance to savor it,” Arya Bahupringga, a spokesman for PT Unilever Indonesia, You can bring home a piece of your childhood for IDR50,000 (US$3) at leading supermarket chains and minimarkets across the country, as well as online on Blibli, Klik Indomaret, JD.ID, and grocery delivery app Happy Fresh starting today.