The recoil of the Fennec at times can feel a bit tough to deal with and its default magazine size is criminally small, but the power it packs at an accelerated rate is tough for anyone to deal with.Properly attaching your MP5 can turn it into a gun that's highly effective in various scenarios, which is astounding for a gun that's already dangerous out of the box.The PKM, a light machine gun, may seem like an odd weapon to have this high on the list, but it earned every bit of it. Below is a list of criteria that was used to recommend custom loadouts for Warzone. But in case you’re still hungering for tips and stats, be sure to check out our other Warzone guides! They always have, and they always will, thanks to the invaluable trait that a single headshot from a bolt-action Sniper Rifle is a guaranteed kill. The MK2 Carbine makes a clear case for the gun class and might sell you on the idea of opting for it instead.If you have solid aim, then you'll know that it happens to be a one-shot kill to the head and torso. What does it take for a shotgun to succeed in Warzone? It's the vanilla ice cream of assault rifles, and there's nothing wrong with vanilla ice cream.The CR-56 AMAX is one of the two new guns introduced in the Season 4 update. His love of Italian food is matched only by his love of Excel spreadsheets. Best Sniper in Warzone. For one, there's the weapons. In that specific scenario, the MP7 is an easy choice as your primary weapon in close to short-range firefights.The FR 5.56, more commonly known as the FAMAS, is an assault rifle you've likely looted numerous times in Here's the thing though: you should get used to using it and becoming proficient with it. So the question is: which sniper rifle do you use for that perfect headshot?We’ll talk more about how the HDR earns its place at the top in a moment. In the current meta, there’s really no point in taking a Dragunov over any other sniper rifle.And there you have it! Players can choose to turn it into a solid marksman rifle or can choose to go for a mid-range assault rifle build.You may be wondering why you should ever use a marksman rifle when they feel like they don't offer the damage of an assault rifle or the range of a sniper. The Kar98k is currently the best Marksman Rifle in Warzone.Whether it can outperform an AX-50 or an HDR is much more of a question mark, but its familiar damage profile and one-shot headshot potential make it a surprisingly viable gun for Verdansk. On top of unlocking rather early and coming with a large magazine size as its default, it also happens to have a solid fire rate and manageable accuracy.When attacking opponents from a distance you'll be surprised at how well the PKM can maintain its accuracy. Not when the enemy HDR-user only needs to land one shot to end the battle. Far outstripping its fellow sniper rifles in the fire rate department (including the other semi-auto sniper in this category, the new Rytec AMR), the fact remains that the Dragunov is incapable of incapacitating a fully armoured enemy with a single shot, which makes it far less potent a threat-neutralizer than the HDR or the AX-50.The effect is compounded in sniper battles, with two teams gunning for each other across hundreds of metres from separate rooftops. Currently, the best sniper rifle in Warzone is the HDR, no question.It may be slow and cumbersome to use, but the most important thing with a sniper rifle is guaranteeing that one-shot-kill headshot – and with a properly kitted HDR you can pretty much eliminate bullet drop, making that headshot much easier than with other rifles. It unlocks at a very early level which means players can start unlocking its attachments and building their ideal loadout at a decent pace.The AUG earns its place as the second-best gun in Season 4 thanks in large part to two incredible strengths it has. Call of Duty: Warzone has not only captured the interest of the annual audience the Call of Duty franchise sees, but its free-to-play structure has brought in an additional casual audience that's fallen in love with the battle royale. His favorite video games include Mass Effect 2, Inside, Pokémon Soul Silver, Spelunky, and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. The Fennec happens to be the other one and boy, has it caught the It is known to be able to shred through armor and opponents' health as its rate of fire is surprisingly fast. Its versatility and utility make it an ideal loadout candidate.Earlier, the CR-56 was mentioned as one of the new additional guns that came along with the Season 4 update. It ranks a little bit lower on the list simply because players have to unlock it at a specific rank, which when factored with leveling up the gun to unlock attachments, makes it a tough recommendation to any player.The reason it caught on in the meta is thanks in large part to how versatile and effective it is. You can minimise this recoil with the right combo of attachments, but then your ADS speed will be utterly awful. They’re not there to be quick, or to fire often. Because the HDR can be equipped with the 26.9” HDR Pro barrel, which makes it pretty much as close as you can get to a hitscan gun in Warzone.With our ideal HDR loadout, you can just point at someone’s head and click, and they’ll die. The first is that its TTK or time-to-kill is very fast, and with that, it happens to have some of the best mobility in the game regardless of gun class or attachments.It may seem like a broken record at this point, but the M4A1 still reigns supreme as the best gun to use in The M4A1 ranks near, if not at the top, in many of the base categories when measuring weapon effectiveness in Jerrad Wyche is a writer, designer, and producer hailing from Albuquerque, New Mexico.