I think I may have a post-nasal drip?What do you think? I think that adds to the communication you and your doctor have.I had fluid in my ears about a month ago and I used flonase to drain them out. If you make a "k" sound and feel where your nose can't breath, that party of your body is called a soft palate and connects the nose and throat. Sometimes fun has a price tag.1) yes that's normal and probably good because it means it's probably hitting your sinuses. Apparently, proper use of a nasal spray means it shouldn't go down your throat or drip out of your nose. I have always had sinus problems, though. You are supposed to gently sniff the spray into … "...only developed allergies this year. I hope you are not using something like an afrin (oxymet ... For now just nasal saline and soothing cough drops. Your sinuses are like a side pocket off of your nasal passage. I get at least 3 sinus infections every year.Yep, that's your sinuses draining, and it's completely normal. Better yet, it relieves stuffy noses better than prescription sprays. Hope this helps!I’ve learned through my own allergy experiences that nasal sprays do taste poorly. I have had bad phlegm now for a few months and I finally went to the doctor a few weeks ago and he prescribed Flonase. Connect by text or video with a U.S. board-certified doctor now — wait time is less than 1 minute!We are asking our website visitors to consent to the use of cookies by HealthTap to continue to our website. I would say it’s time to get serious and see a doctor who specializes in allergies. Life can be difficult, yet when you listen to your own body and show it respect, life improves greatly. Should I tell my doctor? If it tastes bad spit it out.I was reading up on this because, I too feel nasal sprays go down my throat right after using them and I hate that feeling. Your mouth nose and ear are all connected so it is normal.How do you think about the answers? Dont breath in when spraying.26 yo female prescribed nasal spray from doctor and now with unpleasant feeling of liquid running down back of throat. Antibiotics are not useful here. I read that snorting it causes the spray to go down your throat where it will be ineffective. That way, the spray goes into your sinus cavity instead of right to the back of your throat. I use cheap store brand saline spray (my allergist’s idea) and get no taste at all. Get your answers by asking now.Colts send a powerful message about white privilege Dakotas lead U.S. in virus growth, reject mask rulesBarrymore reflects on wild past, flashing Letterman He wasn't sure what was wrong with me, but he guessed it was allergies. And they will add to your file when you called and why, so that there is a record that you took charge of a question. Apparently, proper use of a nasal spray means it shouldn't go down your throat or drip out of your nose. I have always had sinus problems though. I have been taking it for 2 weeks now and a minute after I use it I can feel it all slide down my throat. I'd feel it dripping in my throat also. Is this normal? Here are some symptoms, causes, and treatment of post-nasal drip. By finding out what you are allergic to CAN eliminate those problems and infections. I get at least 3 sinus infections each year"It sounds to me that you have a history of allergies in your past, not just starting this year. Post-nasal drip happens when your body produces excess mucus, causing a sore throat. Some people's noses are just more sensitive than others. Think of a “W” shape. Dont breath in when spraying. I was extremely allergic, but have most under control with shots, prescription meds and avoidance for multiple types of allergies. It burns. We use cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics purposes.Tilt head down and only use 1 spray each time.