True?Some people complained of insomnia, headaches, dizziness, anxiety, irritability, nausea, tremor, mood swings and panic attacks. Any reader of the People’s Pharmacy who requests a You can also order bupropion XL 300 through Valisure and know that it has passed this pharmacy’s stringent quality testing process. All I can say is: maybe – MAYBE NOT.”How can we tell if your generic bupropion has a problem? You may want to let them know that Join our daily email newsletter with breaking health news, prescription drug information, home remedies AND you'll get a copy of our brand new full-length health guide — for FREE!We're empowering you to make wise decisions about your own health, by providing you with essential health information about both medical and alternative treatment options.When food smells bad we know not to eat it. This new manufacturer is Dr.Reddy.Hi Mary: Although some people want to wave this off as unimportant, it turns out that my previous comment was correct, in my case anyway. Join Yahoo … Please don't take any chances. You can google many articles about companies overseas and how many of them are producing substandard products. If you … Bupropion is an antidepressant that may also be used to help people quit smoking. Safe to use. HugsThe same thing happened to me. I don’t think I am a nut job. The smell was distinctive.Actually, that’s not true. After taking this drug for many years, I think I would have noticed if any of the suppliers I used in the past made tablets that smell objectionable. The pharmacy change the manufacturer. He's checking into it as he's not had anyone call about this drug/smell. Get answers by asking now. 1 Answer. If you feel uncomfortable with it the pharmacist can refill the script with a different product.Please call your Pharmacy asap and better yet, bring the medication into the Pharmacy and show them to him or her and ask them to smell what you are smelling. Please don't take any chances. Lv 5. That's because it may be spoiled. And will return it to a local pharmacist if I don't hear back soon. It has a very strong smell like sulfa antibiotics. The bad smell that accompanies nasal polyps may be due to fluid buildup inside the polyps. I would say the odor is sulfide-like.“The pharmacy said the smell was from the desiccant insert in the original package being exhausted. His best-selling book, The People’s Pharmacy, was published in 1976 and led to a syndicated newspaper column, syndicated public radio show and web site. Is it bad or unsafe to take?Hi, Jm! The odor was awful. We specifically asked the FDA to investigate why the bupropion smells bad. That pretty well ensures that they will make a drug with a different set of reagent chemicals then what a licensed company in the western hemisphere would use. If I wanted cheap drugs from India, I know places I can order them for less than my co-pay at the pharmacy. This smell cannot be right. I read somewhere how to handle this, and do not take pills with that odor, because it indicates that the chemical components have broken down and are no longer yeah my Wellbutrin always smelled bad, kind of like vinegar a little. The folks at Valisure (who underwrite our podcasts and support our newsletter) have agreed to test bupropion for free. That’s a nice way of saying that some medications naturally smell nasty. A lot of pills smell, most people just don't sniff em like we do.I JUST received the same pills from my Postal Prescription Service. It only protects the way it is manufactured.