Both 7 th lord and Saturn becomes akarak and conjoined together, it becomes the cause of delayed marriage. Chant the Vedic mantra related to Jupiter to get rid of the problems of delay marriage.Saturn and Jupiter are slow moving planets. Worship Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati together to strengthen your seventh house from the Sun and Moon in your Horoscope will help you in the marriage prospects.Mercury signifies relationships and is also related to the young girls in your home and neigh bour hood. This is the belief that one needs to test sexual chemistry within a relationship—that the couple shouldn’t move to later stages of commitment until they’ve tested and made sure that the chemistry is a strong and compatible part of their relationship.Again the research shows that a pattern of sexual restraint—keeping sexual relations within the full commitment of marriage—creates patterns where we see higher-quality marriages and less risk of these relationships dissolving.The age of marriage in the United States has been rising steadily since 1970, and in 1980 women passed the previous historical high, a benchmark reached by men 10 years later.All of this can be tied together in the “older is better” paradox. I have explained 6 reasons of getting delayed in marriage.Everyone is eager to get married as early as possible. Lets look at three ways God uses delays in our lives. However, the destiny sometimes becomes so harsh that it becomes beyond endurance.Sometime the untimely death of the life partner leaves indelible spot in the heart. Relationships & Marriage News: Marriage is bliss if it happened at a proper timings. Hence, everything needs to happen in the life at the right time. The Israelites were a slave people and they weren't prepared for war, and God knew if they went to war they wouldn't be able to handle it. The primary issue is moral. The average age of marriage for young Americans fifty years ago was in the very early twenties. As the Apostle Paul said, “It is the will of God … that ye should abstain from fornication” (The numbers demonstrate that despite cohabitation in the name of strengthening a relationship, “happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.”A second paradox is the “sowing wild oats” paradox. Waiting is perhaps one of life's most difficult tasks. The first problem with this view of marriage is that it perpetuates the idea that marriage is profoundly about yourself. Without a healthy marriage and family life as foundation, no lasting and healthy community can long survive. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. In reality, these steps typically bring incremental improvement to our life but not radical. Even such attitude is due to planetary effects. Adulthood is not just a function of age—it is an achievement. May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you.” (Ruth 1:16–17) Now, that meant that as a Moabite woman in Israel, the prospects for marriage were zero. A paradox is a proposition which, despite apparently sound reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems logically unacceptable or self-contradictory.Most of those who engage in the marriage-preparation paradoxes that I will mention are not doing so as part of the abandonment of marriage but because they believe these actions will actually strengthen their future marriages. In the larger society, cohabitation without marriage is increasingly the norm, but even secular observers note that cohabitation no longer even leads to marriage in most cases. Hence, the timely marriage can make us not only happy but also it becomes easy to educate and settle our kids.As we know marriage is an important and sublime event in our life, it is always better to tie the knot at the right time. God uses delays to prepare us. In fact, the commitment to chastity and true marriage preparation among devout single members of the Church stands in stark contrast to the patterns we see in the broader culture. The blunt fact is that previous generations of young adults, facing even greater economic challenges, still found their way to adulthood and marriage.The Christian church must encourage young Christians toward the goal of marriage and must be clear about the necessity of holiness and obedience to Christ at every stage and in every season of life.