In addition, one hundred users also developed ketosis, a serious diabetes complication. Your email will only be used if a response is needed. They accused Eli Lilly of marketing it for unapproved uses and downplaying the risk of side effects. Ask Phil Knight,financier of the criminal conduct and conspiracy to cover,OHSU,and his personal friend Neil Goldschmidt! Of course, his psychiatrist prescribed it anyway. Over 18,000 lawsuits have been filed by people who were injured by Zyprexa. After the original doctors fraudulently assured me that it was non addictive and non habit forming, It took many, many years to successfully wean off, even experiencing much tribulation because if its HIGHLY addictive nature. And as if enough damage was not done to myself and my loved ones, as well as to law enforcement and my community, after my last small dosage almost a year ago I have been and am currently suffering unspeakable withdrawal effects and damage to my central nervous system. I was diagnosed with diabetes and put on insulin. I completely lost my looks and sex drive. New York, NY It’s been almost eight years since Eli Lilly agreed to settle more than 18,000 Zyprexa lawsuits alleging patients developed diabetes and other health problems after taking Zyprexa. To the point of my wife almost leaving me due to the mood swings.Gained 65 lbs in 6 months, skin rashes and boils, varicose veins, swollen feet, nightmares, depression.At two time in my like I was on Zyprexa and gained weight very rapidly each time: 60 pounds in 1998 and 50 pounds in 2012. Unfortunately, Zyprexa’s success in the drug market has been overshadowed by reports of dangerous side effects.Since 2000, reports have surfaced that patients were developing diabetes as a side effect of Zyprexa use. Zyprexia has been used as a weapon,with devastating effects to Ms. Belcher,health,she caught Rheumatoid Arthritis,extreme weight gain,causing schizophrenic symptoms. lawsuits can be viewed Zyprexa is a drug used to treat bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and symptoms of dementia. Plaintiffs claimed that the pharmaceutical company downplayed risks about side effects and hid … This is also a 22 year torture ,murder,coverup,medicare & Medicaide Fraud! The jury trial of that lawsuit, which started earlier this month, is being heard in an Alaska state court located in Anchorage. Now It has been discovered that the manufacturer was not required to remove this poison from the market even after so many people suffered and are still suffering on it today because there was no proof of fraudulent action on the part of the manufacturer. True Story! A list of open investigations and working with are no longer investigating this matter. I have suffered huge financial losses over the duration of my suffering on Zyprexa. Also when I don’t take Zyprexa, my paranoia returns more severe. Attorneys I found a new doctor and lost the weight. I have not been able to return to my career as a professional actor because of the extreme change in my body shape. Withdrawal symptoms too strong to let drug go. Many of them have already successfully won lawsuits against the manufacturer. I was 95 lbs, but after only four months on the medication, I gain 40 pounds. Over the years, as I pleaded with psychiatrists and doctors, no doctor affiliated with the A.M.A would agree to assist me in weaning off of it. Not able to work. Help please.I went from 170 to 240 in three months. Currently still taking place! Other reported side effects include:New cases and investigations, settlement deadlines, and news straight to your is a group of online professionals (designers, programmers and writers) with years of experience in the legal industry.We work closely with class action and mass tort attorneys across the country and help with investigations into corporate wrongdoing. Also, many victims that have been poisoned with this very same Nero-toxin have developed all kinds of mental diseases including Alzheimer's and dementia, and other diseases such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and more. New York, NY It’s been almost eight years since Eli Lilly agreed to settle more than 18,000 Zyprexa lawsuits alleging patients developed diabetes and other health problems after taking Zyprexa. No one else has successfully managed to come off of it to prove its diabolical dangers. I attempted suicide. I had a heart attack this February partly because of the added weight. information here is for reference only. In total, the company paid $1.2 billion to 28,500 people who experienced severe side effects. Since its approval, the drug has become Eli Lilly’s best selling drug. Have been on Zyprexa 15 years or so. But still have problems with my blood sugars.I have been taking Zyprexa for 12 years now and developed diabetes, high cholesterol, and memory loss. Manufactured by Eli Lilly, Zyprexa has become a popular anti-psychotic drug because it does not produce the “Parksion’s-like” side effects associated with other medicines used to treat mental illness. Gained 100 lbs. In 2007, Eli Lilly agreed to pay $500 million to resolve the litigation. This, coupled with expert witness testimonies of police and medical professionals from all the medical and police reports, as well as other evidence can prove that fraud is ongoing in the sale of this Nero-toxin. The doctor immediately took me off Zyprexa and I had to stay overnight at the hospital. I got off that medication as soon as I could.